How to create a campaign using Mailchimp

How to create a campaign using Mailchimp

Creating the Campaign:



   Go to Mailchimp & select “Create Campaign”

    You will be shown several types of campaigns that you can create. In our case, we want to create an automated email that welcomes the subscribers when they sign up for our list.

●   Since we want to send a series of emails and not a single email, we select Onboarding

Series. Then we can set the name and select the audience list that will receive the email.

●   Once we have named the campaign, we can put in the following email information

●    It will bring you to the emails that will be sent out. Here you can add up to however many emails you would like to send.


    This is also where you will be setting the triggers that send emails based on set conditions. From there, you can select after how long you want to send out the following emails.

●   Begin designing your emails by selecting the option to Design Email.